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Burgers, Alexander
Assistant Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Quantum optics, hybrid quantum systems, cold atoms in optical tweezers, cavity QED, nanophotonics, integrated quantum systems, light-matter interactions, Rydberg mediated interactions, quantum simulation and quantum sensing.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-7729Office: 3215 EECSCampbell, Paul
Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Laser-plasma particle accelerators, magnetized high energy density physics, and high power laser-plasma interactions.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2026 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.Cundiff, Steven
Harrison M Randall Collegiate Professor of PhysicsProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Interactions of ultrashort pulses of light with matter, including semiconductors and atomic vapors.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-4437Office: 450 Church St.Deotare, Parag
Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Professor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Research includes light-matter interaction in nanoscale systems and the development of low energy photonic and excitonic devices for applications in data communication and life sciences.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-3119Office: 3304 GG BrownFessler, Jeff
Interim Chair, Electrical and Computer EngineeringWilliam L. Root Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineering; Radiologyhe/him/his
Research Interests: Statistical signal and image processing; Tomographic imaging; Parameter estimation; machine-learning methods for inverse problems.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-1434Office: 4431 EECSForrest, Steve
Peter A. Franken Distinguished University Professor of Electrical EngineeringPaul G. Goebel Professor of EngineeringProfessor Emeritus, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Physics; Materials Science & Engineering; Applied Physics
Research Interests: Organic Electronics, Photonic Integrated Circuits, Photonic MaterialsWebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1147Office: 2238 EECSGalvanauskas, Almantas
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: High power ultrafast fiber lasers for nonlinear optics, high intensity laser-matter interactions, laser driven secondary-radiation such as gamma and x-ray sources, and laser acceleration of charged particles. Main emphasis of current research efforts is on developing a new generation of laser-plasma accelerator drivers.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 615-7166Office: 6102 ERB IGiebink, Chris
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Physics
Research Interests: Optoelectronic and photonic devices based on organic semiconductors, solar energy conversion, solid-state lighting, semiconductor lasers, and nonlinear optics.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-4976Office: 2245 EECSGoldman, Rachel
Maria Goeppert Mayer Collegiate Professor, Materials Science EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: My research involves investigations of structure-property relationships in thin films and heterostructures.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-6821Office: 2094 H.H. DowGrbic, Tony
John L Tishman Professor of Engineering; Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringSenior Associate Chair, Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Engineered electromagnetic structures (metamaterials, metasurfaces, electromagnetic band-gap materials, frequency selective surfaces), antennas, near-field radiation and localized waves, microwave circuits, plasmonics, optics, wireless power transmission systems, and analytical modeling in electromagnetics/optics.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1797Office: 3238 EECSGuo, Jay
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics; Macromolecular Science & Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Polymer-based photonic sensors and photoacoustics, organic and hybrid photovoltaics and photodetectors, flexible transparent conductors, nanophotonics & structural colors, nanomanufacturing technologies and applications.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-7718Office: 2304 EECSIslam, Mohammed
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Mid- and near-infrared laser sources and their applications in defense and healthcare. Application areas include infrared countermeasures, explosives detection, active remote sensing, cardiology, dentistry, non-invasive glucose monitoring, and diabetes treatment.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-9700Office: 2401 EECSKira, Mack
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Physics
Research Interests: Quantum optoelectronics, semiconductor quantum optics, quantum optics, condensed-matter theory, terahertz spectroscopy, many-body interactions, photon correlations, coherent and ultrafast phenomena, and cluster-expansion approach.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-4640Office: 3116 ERB IKrushelnick, Karl
Harry J. Gomberg Professor, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological ScienceProfessor (courtesy), EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering; Physics
Research Interests: Ultra-high intensity laser plasma interactions.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4877Office: 1006 GerstackerKu, P.C.
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Chair of Undergraduate ECE Affairshe/him/his
Research Interests: Optoelectronic devices and materials with current focus on integrated photonics, semiconductor light sources (both classical and quantum) and their applications.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 764-7134Office: 2246 EECSLiang, Di
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Semiconductor optoelectronics, compound semiconductor and silicon-based photonic devices, large-scale photonic integration for optical interconnect, sensing, and computing.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 763-7669Office: 3217 EECSLiu, Bin
Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Photonic and optoelectronic devices based on organic and low-dimensional semiconductors, light-matter interaction in nano-scale systems, and nonlinear optics.WebsiteEmail: Office: 2223 EECSLiu, Shuai
Assistant Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Integrated Photonics, Nanofabrication, Nonlinear Optics, and Quantum OpticsEmail: Phone: (734) 763-3260Office: EECS BuildingMaksimchuk, Anatoly
Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Laser-matter interaction at relativistic intensities, table-top particle accelerators, high-power short pulse lasers.Email: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2014 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.Mi, Zetian
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Low dimensional semiconductors and their applications in photonic, optoelectronic, clean energy, and quantum devices and systemsWebsiteEmail: Phone: 734-764-3963Office: 2405 EECSMichielssen, Eric
Louise Ganiard Johnson Professor of EngineeringProfessor, Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringAssociate Dean for Research, College of Engineering
Research Interests: Computational, Applied, and Theoretical Electromagnetics; Antennas; Microwave and millimeter wave circuits and packaging.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1793Office: 3240 EECSNees, John
Research Scientist, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Formation of ultra-intense optical pulses in solid-state lasers for applications in high-field physicsEmail: Phone: (734) 763-4875Office: 2018 Carl A. Gerstacker Bldg.Norris, Ted
Gerard A. Mourou Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics
Research Interests: Application of femtosecond optical techniques to the physics of semiconductor nanostructures, in developing new ultrafast optical and optoelectronic measurement techniques, THz generation and measurement, plasmonics in nanostructures, and novel methods for biological imaging and in vivo sensing.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 764-9269Office: 6117 ERB IWillingale, Louise
Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineeringshe/her/hers
Research Interests: Laser-driven electron and ion acceleration, relativistic laser propagation through underdense and near-critical density plasmas, laser-driven magnetic reconnection, and proton radiography to study electric and magnetic fields generated during the laser-plasma interactions.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-9543Office: 6109 ERB-1Winful, Herb
University Diversity and Social Transformation ProfessorJoseph E. and Anne P. Rowe Professor of Electrical EngineeringArthur F. Thurnau ProfessorProfessor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Applied Physics, Physics
Research Interests: Nonlinear optics and photonics; fiber laser arrays; nonlinear periodic structures; tunneling time; nanophotonics; semiconductor laser frequency combs.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1804Office: 3106 ERB Xu, Mengyue
Research Investigator, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Development of novel and high-performance devices and systems on advanced integrated photonics platforms for optical communication and sensing.WebsiteEmail: Yoon, Euisik
Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor (courtesy), Biomedical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Integrated circuits and microsystems; BioMEMS and lab-on-chips; implantable biomedical sensors; low-power mixed-mode circuits.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 615-4469Office: 2400 EECSZhang, Zheshen
Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum information science, aiming to enable new sensing, computing, communication, and networking capabilities.WebsiteVideoEmail: Phone: (734) 763-7766Office: 2305 EECSZhong, Zhaohui
Associate Professor, EECS – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, microwave and terahertz frequency nanoelectronics, solar cell technology, chemical and biological sensing, nanomaterial synthesis.WebsiteEmail: Phone: (734) 647-1953Office: 2241 EECS